Easy Activities On-The-Go

written by: jessie kozak

Road trips or spending time in the car for daily commutes to school, sports, etc. can be both exciting and a bit challenging to keep little ones entertained. We’re going to share a few of our favorite interactive activities that can make your travels a little bit easier! Buckle your seatbelt as we get ready to share simple activities that will turn those “are we there yet?” moments into magical moments!

1. seek and find flashcards

Never underestimate the power of a fun seek and find activity! It’s a great interactive game that promotes observation skills and fuels curiosity about what you might find. Download our FREE Seek and Find Flashcards here and bring them along with you on car rides and see how many of the objects you can find!

2. stickers/window clings

Stickers and window clings are the perfect accessory to turn your car into a canvas of creativity! The window clings are extra fun because they stick and unstick and as the vehicle is in motion the background for the stickers changes! If you do single use stickers bring a small notebook and when you get to your destination you can display your masterpiece!

3. i-spy bottle

I-Spy bottles are such a great way to provide entertainment paired with sensory exploration. Add rice to a bottle and get creative with what you add! You can use beads, little vehicles, charms, pom poms, & so much more. Make a mini-checklist of the treasure inside or call out the discoveries once they’ve been spotted! Bonus: the rice also makes a soothing sound like a rainstick.

4. create a snacktivity

Now you’re probably wondering…what is a snacktivity? Prepare to be amazed! It’s an activity and a snack in one! Take your favorite snack that has a hole in it (think pretzels, cheerios, dried fruit rings etc.) and add a string. Thread the snack to the string and make snack bracelets!

These activities are sure to be a win so let the car rides begin! Don’t forget to share your adventures with us on social media by tagging @glopals. Beep beep! Safe Travels, Pals.


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